The Golden Age's Review and Endorsement of Angels and WomenKen Raines Angels and Women
Angels and Women is, supposedly, an automatic writing book recommended by the Watchtower Society [Jehovah's Witnesses] in 1924. It is a revision of a novel written in 1878 titled Seola by J. Gregory Smith.1 Seola was revised and published as Angels and Women by a Bible Student who was identified as being "a personal friend of Pastor Russell and one who was close to him in his work."2 This revisor said the woman who wrote it was "impelled to write it after listening to beautiful music."3 He believed the spirit that "dictated" the novel to Mrs. Smith was not one of the "holy angels" (of the kind that supposedly transmitted information and Biblical interpretations into J. F. Rutherford's mind),4 but was one of the fallen angels who desired to return to God's organization.5 The Society at the time believed that some demons or fallen angels were honest and could be saved and return to God's organization.6 Angels and Women, they believed, was channeled or "dictated" to the author by one such fallen angel who was honest and told the truth about pre-flood conditions on earth. They said he shed some "light" on the subject. They therefore claimed to receive new "light" from a demon according to their published statements. This is unusual as all the automatic or channeled writings I have researched claimed to be from good spirits whether angels, extraterrestrials, or highly evolved spirits. The Society appears to be unique in claiming to receive new light from an evil spirit or fallen angel. The Golden Age ReviewIn the July 30, 1924 Golden Age the Watchtower Society reviewed the book Angels and Women. The Society earlier claimed that they normally did not review books in the Golden Age except when they believed in the book enough or thought it was an important work. For example, In a 1920 Golden Age they said:
Similarly, The Golden Age four years later reviewed Angels and Women because they believed in it and believed that it shed some spiritual and historical light on pre-flood conditions on earth. The review in full stated:
No mention is made here of the fact that they believed it was "dictated to the woman who wrote by one of the fallen angels who desired to return to divine favor",9 that is, by a demon who wanted to repent. This is a serious omission as they said reading the book would help one "avoid the baneful effects of spiritism"! Imagine the Awake! magazine today endorsing an automatic writing book such as Oahspeas shedding new light.10 This favorable review of Angels and Women apparently lead to letters being sent to the Society by readers of the Golden Age on the propriety of their endorsing the book when they learned of its origin, despite the Society clearly saying at this time that some demons were honest. The Golden Age's Second EndorsementIn the December 3, 1924 Golden Age they printed one such letter of concern as well as a more enthusiastic letter supporting the book. In their published response to these they brushed aside concerns about the spiritistic origin of the book and once again endorsed it. The article said in full:
The Society's endorsement apparently received mixed reviews from Bible Students. Some viewed this book as spiritism, pure and simple; others apparently took the Society's position that some demons were honest and could repent and come back to God's organization to heart. They accepted this new light as from an "honest," repentant fallen angel. It is interesting to me that the Society's writer here brushed aside Mrs. Davis' concern by simply saying it was not worthy of consideration to think it was a violation of the Bible Students' "Vow" (see below) to have nothing to do with spiritism. The VowWhen Angels and Women was endorsed by the Society, the Bible Students took what was called The Vow. This was instituted during the Russell period. The Vow said in part:
The taking of this Vow was considered a serious matter, though it was not required that one take the Vow, nor was it to be a test of fellowship.13 Potential Elders who did not take the Vow were not excluded from the position for example, but those who had taken it were to be given the first consideration.14 The Vow was to be taken daily.15 Given all this, and the Society's numerous writings against spiritism, one can appreciate Mrs. Davis' concerns about reading an automatic writing book to receive some new light from the demon and that this would help one avoid the baneful effects of spiritism! It is amazing to me that that they made the following statement in defending their endorsement of Angels and Women:
With this they put the new light from a demon alongside the "faithful and discreet slave" C. T. Russell's booklet on spiritism and Rutherford's similar booklet! Reading what an "honest" demon says when channeling "light" on pre-flood conditions on earth and his "quoting much as to what the evil spirits" did is just as appropriate as reading Society literature for new light! This reminds me of the statement about truth by Russell in the first issue of Zion's Watch Tower which stated:
I guess this would include the "honest" truth as told by demons. I believe that this was a violation of the Vow as getting a clearer vision, a better understanding, and new light from a demon who "impelled" J. G. Smith to write it is surely spiritism by definition. An irony in this is that the Vow was published in numerous forms including a bookmark.17 This could have led to the situation where Bible Students like Mrs. Davis could have gone into a spiritistic "club" or bookstore, purchased a copy of Angels and Women on the Society's advice, gone home and read the book to receive this latest "light," inserting the Vow bookmark as they went! Notes1 The Golden Age, July 30, 1924, p. 702. "Automatic writing" refers to writing that is done "automatically" under the control or direction of a spirit or spirits. Coming issues of this journal will compare and examine various automatic or channeled works such as Oahspe and Communication With the Spirit World of God with Angels and Women, Seola, and Rutherford's 'angelic channeling' claims. Rutherford was to me a "medium" similar to others who produced automatic writings if his claim for the inspiration of his writing is true. 2 Ibid. 3 J. G. Smith, Angels and Women, A. B. Abac Co., 1924, pp. 3, 5. 4 JW Research, vol. 1, no. 2, Spring, 1994: Angelic Channeling. 5 Angels and Women, p. 5. 6 JW Research, vol. 1, no. 3, Summer, 1994: Fallen Angels. 7 The Golden Age, October 27, 1920, p. 35. 8 The Golden Age, July 30, 1924, p. 702. 9 Angels and Women, p. 5. 10 Oahspe is a automatic writing or "channeling" book dictated by "angels" to its author in 1882. See 'Oashpe: The Gospel of Angels. An Examination of a New Age Scripture' by Joel Bjorling in The Quarterly Journal (by Personal Freedom Outreach), Vol. 11, no. 4, October-December, 1991, pp. 1, 7-9. 11 The Golden Age, December 3, 1924, pp. 150, 151. 12 Watch Tower Reprints, p. 4383. 13 Ibid., pp. 4249, 4299. 14 Ibid., p. 5794. 15 Ibid., p. 4780. 16 Ibid., pp. 8, 9. 17 Ibid., pp. 4383, 4960.
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