Johannes Greber: Communication With the Spirit WorldKen Raines
Communication With the Spirit World
In the Introduction to his book Communication With the Spirit World Greber explains the experiences that turned him from Catholicism to spiritism. He begins by asking what happens after death and where we could find the answer:
Since all the churches have different answers to this he states that "it is therefore, idle to look to them for a conclusive answer". He states that there is only one source for reliable information -- the spirits who are there. (p. 2) He acknowledged that spiritism has a bad name and lamented that it is the churches that are at the forefront of those opposing it. He said he can't understand this as he believes that Judaism and Christianity both were founded by spiritism, that is, by communication with spirits. (p. 3) He said that the most common objection of the churches to communicating with spirits is that God forbids communication with the dead. But this, he said, refers to trying to communicate with the spiritually dead, what he calls "apostate spirits." This is idolatry and communicating with evil spirits. (p. 4) He claimed that intercourse with evil spirits was forbidden but communication with good spirits was a duty of the Christian as this was the only way to learn the truth:
He said the disciples were told by Jesus that He would send "holy spirits" to teach them the truth. He also said that 1 Corinthians 14:12 states we are to seek "the greatest possible number of different spirits of God." (p. 5) This of course is a mistranslation, but Greber goes on to claim that the texts of the New Testament were copied by different individuals and forgery was resorted to by them. "All the ancient documents" were altered including the church Fathers as well as the Bible. (pp. 5-6) About this situation he said:
Greber then gives an overview of his experiences with spirits. He says he was a Catholic priest for twenty-five years and believed his religion to be the true one and that:
The purpose of the book was to describe this spiritistic path to the "truth." He said "The book has been written in a spirit of love for my fellow-men, regardless of their creed or outlook on life". (p. 8) He advised the reader not to simply believe his story but to test it by using the same method. Those who do not travel down the same road forfeit any right to pass judgment on the book he said. Those who do take the same path, he claimed, will have the same experiences he had. I do not doubt that if an individual follows the same path as Greber by communicating with spirits he will have similar experiences and most likely receive the similar doctrines. But this does not, in my opinion, mean that doing so is the only way to test whether or not this is the right road to go down in the first place, nor does it forfeit anybody's right to pass judgment on it. Part One: Personal Experiences in the Field of Spirit ManifestationsIn the first section of Part One of his book ("My First Step Toward Communication with the Spirit World," pp. 15-24) Greber details how he first became enamored with spiritism. He says he was a Catholic priest in a rural German community in 1923 when he was confronted with spiritism. Greber's IgnoranceA man stopped by his office one day and asked for his opinion of spiritism. Before he could say anything the man related his experiences at a Bible study. A young boy would slump forward in his seat unconscious and then be pushed back upward in his seat as if from an unseen force. The boy would then answer questions of a spiritual nature. Afterwards he would slump forward again and regain consciousness. (p. 15) The man asked for his opinion but insisted that before he answered he should come to the meeting and see these things first. (pp. 15-16) Greber's reaction?
The man did not accept this excuse saying:
Greber wrote that:
A Spirit Makes Short Work of GreberAfter he decided to go, Greber wrote some questions to ask on a piece of paper, religious questions for which he himself had no answer. The meeting started with prayer and as soon as the prayer was over the boy slumped forward and then was raised back upright as by an unseen force. The spirit speaking through the boy asked Greber what he was doing at this meeting. Greber said he was there to learn the truth [!] and to see if the things reported were true. The spirit continued to put Greber on the defensive by asking him questions. He asked Greber if he believed in God. Greber gave what he himself felt was an "inadequate" answer. At this point the spirit, unimpressed by Greber's naiveté said, "I expected something better of you". The spirit apparently expected a more worthy opponent in the priest (some are known for exorcisms of spirits possessing people after all!). The spirit then let Greber ask the questions the spirit said he knew Greber had written down the day before. The Apostasy and RestorationThe first question Greber asked the spirit was, "why is it that Christianity seems no longer to exert any influence upon the people of today?" The spirit told Greber that the teachings of Jesus can no longer be found in the New Testament documents as these have been tampered with and:
When someone present at the meeting asked specifically who did this supposed mutilating of the New Testament the spirit didn't produce any historical evidence but simply said "that does not concern you" and that it was sufficient for them to know that God has punished the "culprits". The "culprits" started to change the texts of the New Testament as early as the first century according to the spirit (again, no evidence was offered to support this remarkable claim by the spirit, nor did Greber require any). Thus, the true teachings of Christ have been obscured for the past two thousand years. The spirit said the time would come when the teachings of Christ would be "restored" to mankind "in their full purity and truth." (p. 20) This spirit of course had arrived on the scene to help set the record straight after 2,000 years. Apparently, the gates of hell prevailed against the Church for 2,000 years more or less and Greber was privileged to receive the real truth from these spirits from heaven. Greber asked the spirit for an example where the New Testament was changed to promote false doctrines and was told John 20:28. The spirit said it should record Thomas saying to Jesus, "My Lord and my Master" instead of "My Lord and my God" as it exists in all known Greek texts. (p. 21) Thus the first supposed false doctrine corrected by this spirit, like the one who contacted John S. Thompson, was concerning the Deity of Christ. This is not surprising to me. I'm surprised he didn't start with his "a god" mistranslation of John 1:1. After this sort of thing the spirit told Greber to meet him at the same place the following night so he could talk to him alone through the boy. After the meeting ended Greber was left with the question of whether the spirit's teachings or the Catholic church's were correct. (p. 24) The DecisionThe next day Greber returned to the same place with the boy. The boy slumped forward, etc. and the spirit again talked to him. Greber asked the spirit who he was and how he spoke through the boy. (p. 25.) The spirit responded by saying:
Well, I guess that settles it! The spirit said he was a good spirit so it must be so -- he couldn't be an evil spirit lying about all this, would he? It is amazing to me that Greber was this ignorant and gullible. He not only listened to this spirit, but never seriously questioned or challenged the spirit on anything he said such as the corruption of the New Testament documents in such places as John 20:28. He never asked for nor recieved any evidence to support these fantastic claims. The spirit then offered to teach Greber the real truth of course. He was told not to accept blindly what he was told but to check it out. (pp. 28-29.) Greber was asked by the spirit to gather together with a few unlearned individuals (the spirit seemed to have much success with such) from his parish weekly to expound on the Scriptures, pray, and to pay attention closely to what happens. Doing this, he said, would "corroborate" what he was teaching him through the boy. The Corroboration of the TruthGreber got together weekly with a family who approached him and wanted someone to teach them the Scriptures. Spiritist manifestations resulted starting with their fourth meeting. (pp. 31, 32) What happened first was this: Greber began to expound upon a Scripture by teaching the usual interpretation given among "Christian authorities" when one of the boys present "became inexplicably excited" and said to Greber that his interpretation was incorrect and that he was "compelled" to give him the true one. Greber wrote:
The boy then said, "I must write". When asked what he wanted to write the boy said that he didn't know exactly what, but that he was being "compelled" to write by an "irresistible power". The boy wrote "rapidly" once given pencil and paper. At the end of the paper it was signed by the spirit that dictated it to him -- "Celsior". While the group was discussing this, the boy's brother said he could no longer attend the meetings as he could not keep his head still. It was being turned from side to side "against his will". Greber was informed later by the spirit at his other weekly meeting with the first boy in the city what these experiences at his parish meant. The spirit told him:
Greber stated that the boy who was becoming a writing and inspirational medium progressed rapidly and gave "important truths" that were contrary to the boy's and Greber's beliefs as Catholics. This boy would write down the thoughts inspired into his mind. The developing "speaking medium" boy's "physical condition" while undergoing his development was "alarm-inspiring" to Greber. He said if he wasn't warned about its unpleasantness beforehand, he might not have had the courage to see it through. (p. 38) The spirit that eventually spoke through this second boy in Greber's parish swore as well that he was a good spirit, despite the "alarm-inspiring" way he took possession of the boy. (p. 39) Greber was told by the spirit speaking through the boy in the city that different spirits would speak through the developing 'speaking medium' from his parish, including evil ones. This would educate Greber on the different spirits and how the evil ones can become perfect (and thus be saved)! (pp. 39-40) A great variety of spirits did speak through the speaking medium at his parish from "high spirits" that praised God to former murderers. Some were "undergoing great suffering" and these Greber said "implored our help in heart-rendering words, beseeching us to pray with them". There were some that even lied to him. (p. 41) Greber stated that he tested the original spirit speaking through the boy in the city by checking out his words and predictions. All of them turned out to be true. He gave several examples such as the spirit's claim that Greber's church was built (appropriately?) on an old cemetery. He learned the same night he was told this that it was true. Greber Goes to New YorkAt the end of part one of the book Greber relates his moving to New York City and meeting with other spiritists and mediums. (pp. 54-55) He stayed with a German couple who both became mediums during his stay. One of them became an 'inspirational medium'. Greber recounted one spiritistic meeting where:
Part Two: The Laws Governing Communication by Spirits With the Material CreationAn Ode to 'od'The first section of part two of the book (pp. 71-96) deals with the so-called "odic" or "vital force" that is used by spirits when working with mediums. Numerous pages are devoted by the spirit communicating to Greber explaining the "od" that exists as part of everything from stones to humans and how it is used by the spirits. It is tedious and boring to me and is typical spiritistic twaddle. Condensation of "od", according to Greber's spirit, was responsible for "spiritistic manifestations," which apparently referred to the "ectoplasm" manifestations.1 The spirit said that the odic manifestations were "obstructed by heat and light". This is why spiritistic seances that included these manifestations where held in the dark. The spirit said:
The spirit's description of the od and its relation to humans and especially mediums sounds similar to the Golden Age's occult beliefs.2 In one instance the spirit said the od vibrates or radiates in a way that sounds like the theory behind the ERA devices promoted by the Society. The spirit told Greber:
That these spiritistic "vibrations" and "aura" had a similarity with the "vibrations" and spiritism of the ERA devices and theory was mentioned by Roy Goodrich. He said he wrote to several doctors whose articles appeared in The Golden Age on the ERA and related about the occult/spiritistic nature of the ERA. He said one doctor, in trying to substantiate the claims for ERA, suggested he read a book on the human aura from which he was sure Dr. Abrams got his whole ERA idea!3 MediumsThe next section (pp. 107-120) has a more detailed discussion of the various kinds of mediums. The first medium mentioned by the spirit is of the "table rapping" variety. These, at seances, "tip" or "rap on" tables and the like. The spirit said seekers after God should shun such communication with these spirits as they are done by the lowest kind of spirits. The second group of mediums are the "writing" and "inspirational mediums":
"Direct writing," the spirit said, was when a spirit materializes a hand that writes the message down. There are also mediums who draw or paint material in a similar manner. This would include John Ballou Newbrough who not only wrote Oahspe by automatic writing, but did some automatic paintings for the book.4 The third group of mediums are what the spirit called "planchette mediums" which are writing mediums that use a board with an alphabet on it, i.e., a Ouija Board. (p. 110) The fourth kind of mediums were called the most important kind. These are the "speaking mediums". These are the same as the trance channelers in current New Age circles. (p. 111) The spirit said that you need to know whether the spirits that speak through these mediums are good or evil. This is done "by making them swear in the name of God, to their identity". (p. 112.) In other words, like the ones Greber listened to, they must claim to be good spirits. The spirit said, "A good spirit will take this oath, an evil one will not". (p. 112) The fifth kind of medium was called an "apport medium" by the spirit. These are deep trance mediums that are used to materialize and de-materialize objects. (pp. 112-113) The sixth kind are "materialization mediums". These mediums are used to materialize the spirit itself to humans by use of all the odic force of the medium. (pp. 113-4) A seventh medium is a "physical medium" which allow spirits to move objects about. These are evil spirits and Greber's spirit said that good spirits do not "stoop to these tricks".(p. 115) These are like the table tipping variety of spirits. Another group that are considered mediums are those who have clairvoyance and clairaudience. These the spirit said, are not true mediums although they have mediumistic powers. It is the person's own spirit that has a "gift" for these things. The spirit then gives supposed examples of this in the Bible. (pp. 116-120) The Development of MediumsThe next section of the book deals with how these various mediums are developed. (pp. 121-138) At times mediums are contacted by obviously evil spirits. This is explained by Greber's spirit as an attempt by them to divert the training of a medium from becoming a medium for good spirits! (p. 132) The evil spirits are allowed to enter mediums by a "controlling spirit" to allow those present at a seance to "learn how to comport themselves in their presence". (A "controlling spirit" is a "good spirit" that controls séances.) (p. 133) The laws governing séances and the development of mediums can also be done by individuals themselves. (p. 136) The spirit said that contact with the spirit-world can never harm anyone as long as a person puts himself under God's protection and seeks only that which is good. (p. 137)
Because of this, the spirit told Greber:
Biblical Accounts of Mediums and of Schools for MediumsThe next section (pp. 139-155) deals with what most spiritists say concerning the Apostles and prophets of the Bible -- they were spirit mediums. The "school of the prophets" mentioned in the Old Testament was actually a "school of the mediums"! (p. 141) These were actual places or schools where prophets learned to become spirit mediums. Inquiring of God as Recorded in the Holy WritIn this section (pp. 162-174) the spirit advocates what Greber said in his introduction to the book, that the Biblical injunction against "talking with the dead" (necromancy) means communicating with the spiritually dead, that is, with spirits who have forsaken God and are separated from Him. (p. 162) This is communicating with evil spirits according to this spirit (who swore to Greber that he was a good spirit). The spirit said:
Part Four: Messages From the Spirit-World Concerning the Great Problems of ReligionPart four (pp. 257-429) of the book is the longest section and deals with doctrines, or the teachings of the spirit as contrasted with traditional Christian teachings, with a special emphasis on contrasting them to Catholic teachings. These teachings are very similar to Jehovah's Witnesses' views. Quotations from this section of the book can be found in the 'Doctrines of Demons' article in this issue so I have not included these here. GodThe first section (pp. 259-265) concerns the doctrine of God. God, the spirit says, is a Spirit. However, God has a shape as do all spirit beings. (p. 260) Therefore, God is not Omnipresent as traditionally believed. (p. 261) Greber's spirit seems to teach, like many in the occult, that God exists as a space bound entity. He apparently has to travel through space to "visit" other parts of the universe. This sounds like the "ancient astronaut" concept of God of Dione and Von Daniken, the teachings of the "fallen angel" behind Angels and Women, and of course, Rutherford and the Watchtower Society (Jehovah's Witnesses). God keeps in touch with the rest of the universe by His "power" or "force" that emanates from Him. (p. 262) He is not Omniscient in the traditional sense either. He does not know the future. He apparently is not only space-bound in a body, but is time-bound as well. This would mean God did not create the space/time of this universe but is subject to it Himself. (p. 262) The spirit's proof of this?
I guess this is supposed to settle it again. Of what value though are his statements and oaths if he is a lying spirit? The spirit justifies this doctrine on rationalistic grounds. He confuses Omniscience with predestination, that is, if God can see the future, the future actions of humans are predestined and not made with a free will. God's CreationThe next section (pp. 266-280) deals with God's creation. Greber is told that spirits come in male and female. (p. 267) Since there are males and females in the spirit-world, there is sex in the spirit-world! (p. 282) Jesus is said to be the first created "son of God". (p. 267) The second "son of God" is "Lucifer" the "Light-bearer". (p. 267) Christ and Lucifer are therefore "brothers". (p. 271) God created Christ and then all (other) things were created by and through Christ. (pp. 267-268) Adam was once a "high prince in heaven" before coming to earth. The spirit also said that demons or fallen angels can and will be saved. This would occur after a process of spiritual evolution by reincarnation. Even Lucifer will be saved and be like his "brother" Jesus. (p. 297) It was his brother Jesus who volunteered among God's angels to make the first attempt to save mankind. In fact, He "begged" God to be the first. If He failed, God would've sent other spirits until the mission was accomplished. (pp. 297-298) The spirit said that angels came to earth in a materialized human form, impregnating women on earth prior to the Flood. (p. 302) Joseph was a deep trance medium that a holy spirit used to impregnate Mary. This is how Jesus was conceived! (pp. 311-312) Jesus Himself had mediumistic powers. (p. 320) On Matthew 27:52, 53 that speaks of an apparent resurrection during an earthquake at Jesus' death the spirit said that this was another example of the text of the New Testament being falsified. (p. 348) After His resurrection, Jesus materialized in human form. Christ's Teaching and Modern ChristianityThis is the last major section of the book. (pp. 353-427) Greber explains the focus of the section by recalling the first question he posed to the spirit which was why Christianity has so little influence upon man today. He said he received a more detailed explanation of why this was the case later. This chapter is the spirit's further explanation given to Greber at a later date. The churches do not have much influence because the ministers are no longer in contact with holy spirits like the early church. (p. 357) They believe no new truth needs to be communicated today through spirits. (p. 360) Instead of being guided by holy spirits, the doctors of divinity, etc., have given in to listening to deceitful spirits in fulfillment of 1 Timothy 4:1-2. (p. 358) Thus the teachings of the churches, such as the Trinity, eternal punishment and so on are the teachings of demons:
The spirit then attacked the Catholic church and its claims such as Papal infallibility. (pp. 359-363) He next compares the "true" teachings of Christ and the early church as compared to the false doctrines of the churches of today. (pp. 364-366) The spirit said that forgery was resorted to by individuals to insert doctrines such as the deity of Christ in the New Testament. He mentions such passages as Romans 9:3, 4; Titus 2:13; Philippians 2:5, 6; 1 John 5:20 and John 1:1 where this occured. (pp. 366-369) The spirit also denied the doctrines of eternal punishment, the resurrection of the flesh and the Catholic doctrines of transubstantion, celibacy and confession to priests. (pp. 370-386) ConclusionGreber concludes his book on pages 429 to 432 with some reflective thoughts on his experiences. He says on page 431 that he himself had no mediumistic powers or gifts such as clairvoyance and had never been in a trance. He ends his comments by saying it is not "imperative" that one seek communication with the spirit world because:
"Did God Really Say...", Said the SnakeHe says again that the only way to see if your religious convictions and doctrines are correct or not is by communication with "holy" spirits. These spirits will tell you of course that the God's Word has been mutilated and they are here to mercifully de-mutilate it for you so it teaches the real Truth for the first time in 2,000 years. Same as it ever was. Notes1 See "Ectoplasm" in The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 3rd edition, pp. 485-490. 2 For example, their promotion of the "Radio Solar-Pad". This supposedly radiated back into the body the same "vital force" that the body itself radiated according to Rutherford's doctor. This concept is the same "vital force" or "od" (also called "odic force") of spiritism. It also is the same or at least similar to what is called the human "aura" in occult circles (the spirit communicating to greber also said it was the same as that called an "aura"). See The Golden Age, June 23, 1920, pp. 606-607. Compare with "Od (Odic Force or Odyle)," "Reichenbach, Baron Karl von," and "Ectoplasm" in The Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 3rd edition, pp. 1210-1211, 1404-1406, 485-490. 3 Roy Goodrich, Demonism and the Watchtower (Fort Lauderdale, Florida: Back to the Bible), 1969, p. 3. This will be documented when the ERA subject is taken up again later in this journal. See, "The ERA Ouija Board, (Part 1)" in JW Research, vol. 2, no. 1, pp.7-15. 4 See JW Research, vol. 2, no. 2, p. 3. Newbrough reportedly painted with both hands at once in total darkness. See Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology, 3rd edition, p. 126 under "Automatic Drawing and Painting".
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