Jehovah's Witnesses, Hitler, and "Spiritual Fornication"A Rebuttal of the Watchtower's 'Neutrality' Propaganda Ken Raines
IntroductionJehovah's Witnesses believe that all professing Christians in the twentieth century except themselves have been guilty of what they call "spiritual fornication" and "spiritual adultery" with the rulers of the world. Examples of such "fornication" to the Watchtower Society include the clergy's financial and moral support of the two World Wars and their support of the United Nations. The problem with the Society's claims is they have been guilty of the same thing. The most striking example being their apparent attempted "fornication" with the Nazi government of Germany and attempted "adultery" between J. F. Rutherford and Adolf Hitler. Some of their "fornication" was attempted, apparently, in part to protect Watchtower Society real estate holdings. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that true Christians are to be completely neutral in national and political matters. No Jehovah's Witness is to vote, hold a political office, join the military of his country or participate in any war regardless of the cause or issues involved. Those that do will be disfellowshipped (excommunicated). The remaining Jehovah's Witnesses will then be required to never speak to the "apostate" again if possible. The reasons for this position of neutrality given by the Watchtower Society include the following main arguments: 1. Christians are to be "no part of the world" nor to be "friends with the world"' (James 4:4):
2. "No one can serve two masters." Being a "friend of the world" means you are an enemy of God. If you serve God and Christ, the "world" will hate you. In order to become friends with the world, a Christian must therefore compromise his devotion to Christ, thus committing spiritual fornication or adultery:
The Whore of BabylonThe Watchtower Society teaches that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true Christians today. The issue of neutrality vs. spiritual fornication is one they point to with apparent pride at times. They believe they are the only professing Christians in the 20th century who have been faithful in this whereas "Christendom" and its clergy have been guilty of spiritual fornication. Because of this, "Christendom" is viewed by Jehovah's Witnesses as a spiritual whore, specifically, the "abominable" "whore of Babylon" mentioned in Revelation:
For their spiritual whoredom, Christendom is marked for annihilation by God at Armageddon:
Examples of FornicationExamples frequently cited in Watchtower Society publications as indicating spiritual fornication on the part of Christendom are:
Again, this is of such severity and seriousness, and their own faithfulness such a striking contrast, that they feel justified in condemning all other professed Christians in the 20th century as a collective whore while proclaiming themselves eminently more virtuous. The problem with these claims, as with most the Society makes, is they have been guilty of what they condemn others for. The League of Nations. The United Nations "Beast"The Watchtower Society today views the League of Nations and its successor, the United Nations as the "beast" of Revelation and the "disgusting thing" or "abomination" of Daniel:
The Watchtower Society points to the fact that some religious leaders have supported the goals of the League and United Nations "beast." They say that this amounts to idolatry and spiritual fornication:
The last quote by the Society has been reprinted time and again by Society writers as proof of Christendom's fornication. Jehovah's Witnesses' leaders on the other hand, they say, have been more virtuous to their Lord and King and have never done such an "abominable" thing as support the League of Nations:
Since such supporters of the League had thus "fornicated" with the world's political leaders, they are marked for annihilation by God at Armageddon:
If this is true it would include the Jehovah's Witnesses and their leaders who supported the League of Nations when it was forming with similar words as the Council of Churches:
They thus supported the League of Nations as the current human "political expression of God's [forthcoming] Kingdom on earth," and "admired" its ideals. Such "admirers" of the League, they now say, are marked for annihilation. World War IFinancial and Prayer Support for World War IThe Watchtower Society has lambasted the clergy for their support, large or small of the two World Wars. One example cited is the clergy advising Christians to pray for one side or the other to be victorious or for peace to come (i.e., that the war would end). When President Wilson in the United States called on churches to pray for peace during World War I, the Watchtower's president refused:
Their view of Christian neutrality thus extends to not even praying that a war would end! One individual left his Church and became a Jehovah's Witness after his minister prayed for an Allied victory in World War I.16 However, during 1918, the Society officially in print honored a further plea of President Wilson for prayer that the war would end. Not only that, but they took sides and prayed for the "democracies" to be victorious!17 In the article, "May 30 For Prayer and supplication" they wrote:
The Society even promoted the buying of War bonds, called Liberty Loans by the government of the United States. These loans were to "help finance World War I."19 These were loans by citizens that the government promised to pay back. The U.S. government's Treasury Report said the proceeds "were to be used for the purpose of waging war against autocracy."20 The May 15, 1918 Watch Tower quoted Rutherford as saying to the press:
In the next issue of The Watch Tower they said:
Thus in the Society's and Rutherford's saying if one could, one should buy these Liberty Loan bonds, they encouraged Bible Students (Jehovah's Witnesses) to financially support "the waging of war" by the U.S. government during the first World War. In the October 1, 1984 Watchtower, Karl Klein, a member of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, gave his life story as a Jehovah's Witness. He recalled this period of compromise or "fornication" with the world and made some astounding comments about this "test of loyalty" to God vs. loyalty to the Society. He said:
How this leader of Jehovah's Witnesses can write the above without great shame is beyond me. Regardless of whether it was right or not for a Christian to pray for peace or to buy war bonds to finance World War I, etc., Klein, as a member of the Governing Body had numerous articles published for decades condemning all other Christians as whores for doing what he admits he did himself. Not only that, but he seems to claim it was a test of loyalty that he apparently passed while others, who he admits saw the matter "clearly," left the Bible Students ("quit") and thus failed the test of loyalty! Nothing is said here about loyalty to God, just loyalty to the organization -- right or wrong. The Whore of Babylon and World War IIn the latest Watchtower as of this issue's printing, the Society again condemned Christendom's support of war. They stated:
One of these wars was World War I. This issue described the methods and instruments used during the war to kill millions:
Apparently, all this was brought to you in part by the financial backing of your friendly neighborhood Bible Students, some of whom, such as Karl Klein, are currently printing material condemning as spiritual whores others who did the same. Somehow, though, he and other Bible Students weren't "whores," but passed the test of loyalty by staying faithful, not to God, but to Bible Student man. World War I a "Just" War?A year or two after supporting the buying of war bonds to help finance the war and praying for an allied victory, The Golden Age magazine promoted the "just war" theory:
Perhaps World War I was a "just" war to some Bible Students that they felt they could help finance as it wasn't a war between "truly Christian people," but "Whore of Babylon" types! Today, however, they condemn everyone else who has ever supported the "just war" theory:
This apparently included some of the Bible Student's clergy during World War I. World War IIJehovah's Witnesses, Christendom, and HitlerThe Watchtower Society seems spiritually and morally proud of their historical record relating to Nazi Germany during World War II. They claim that they were the only ones who consistently and courageously spoke out against Nazi persecution and remained true to their faith in God and didn't compromise (fornicate) with the German government, unlike some others they mention. One of the latest and most self-serving of the Society's numerous writings on this is the August 22, 1995 Awake! magazine. In it they said the following in the lead article, "One Voice in the Midst of Silence":
This introduces the next short article titled, "Why Unafraid to Speak Out" (pp. 4-6) which presents their "speaking out" against Nazism with comments such as:
They seem to want it both ways. On one hand they were "exemplary" in their "subjection" to all government "authorities" and their laws including the Nazi government and never even advocated a "rebellion" against it. On the other, unlike most everyone else who "fornicated" by being subject, they claim they "spoke out" courageously against the government and its laws, refusing to be subject to them. This they say was in keeping with "rendering unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and rendering to God what belongs to God." They confidently remarked, "If anyone tries to exact from them what belongs to God, that attempt will fail." The next article, "The Evils of Nazism Exposed" details their publications that "exposed" the evils of the Nazi government such as the concentration camps. They noted that in 1929, three years before Hitler came to power the German edition of The Golden Age said Nazism was ruled by the Devil. They state that this led to persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses in Nazi Germany. They noted that Hitler had their branch office in Magdeburg seized a few months after he came to power in January of 1933 but the property was returned to the Society the same month. They then recount their convention held in Berlin in June of 1933. This was to be the turning point in their relations with the Nazi government and Hitler. The official Watchtower history of this convention and its aftermath is therefore given in this article:
The rest of the article gives examples of their published exposure of the concentration camps torture by the Nazis. The next article, "Why the Churches Kept Silent" (pp. 12-15) deals with various churches, especially the Roman Catholic, that supported the Third Reich. They quote the Catholic professor of history at Vienna University who said "the Cross and the swastika came ever closer together... swastika flags appeared round altars..." (page 13). They also noted that:
All this of course is contrasted to the "steadfast" loyalty of Jehovah's Witnesses and their leaders in refusing to compromise, support, or "fornicate" with such a political leader as Hitler. They say (pp. 14, 15):
However, ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, especially professor M. James Penton have uncovered Watchtower "church documents" and eyewitness testimony that Jehovah's Witnesses' leaders were guilty of doing and attempting the same sorts of things. They even displayed the swastika at their 1933 Berlin convention and tried at first to fornicate with the Nazi government and Hitler. It was after the amorous advances were rejected that the Jehovah's Witnesses' leaders spoke out against the Third Reich like a lover scorned. The 1933 Berlin ConventionThe Watchtower's branch in Magdeburg was apparently seized shortly after Hitler came to power due to their linking him with Satan in the German Golden Age and their pro-Zionist writings from the 1800s to 1920s. The Watchtower's account of their 1933 Berlin convention after their property was returned and the subsequent seizure of the property again appears to be a whitewash of the facts. The Society's writers apparently believe, or want their readers to believe, that the Society's "speaking out" courageously against the Nazi government before and during the 1933 convention and their "immovable neutral position" led to their property being taken and for the subsequent persecution they suffered. They portray their leaders as courageously standing up to Hitler and the Nazi government with letters and publications, such as the convention's resolution, "Declaration of Facts", which were full of severe criticisms. Actually, their convention was a shocking display of compromise and "fornication" attempts. The letter Rutherford sent to Hitler with an ultimatum the writer of the August 22, 1995 Awake! noted was sent a half year after the convention. They fail to mention his letter attempting further compromise and reconciliation with Hitler shortly after the seizure of Watchtower property. Briefly, here are the facts and the evidence for this as presented by M. James Penton and is currently posted on the World Wide Web. Konrad Franke's TestimonyPenton wrote:
Penton reprinted part of Konrad's actual comments given in his talk as transcribed from German about what he witnessed at the convention that shocked him:
Also noted was what the Declaration of Facts said to appease the Nazi government and try and show that the Witnesses were for the principles of the Third Reich. (The Declaration was printed in the 1934 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses.) Under the subheading "Jews" the 1934 Yearbook's reprinting of the Declaration said:
The Declaration also stated the following which was clearly designed to further show their support for the German government's principles:
The only statement by the Society about the contents of the Declaration mentioning the type of statements recorded above are in the 1974 Yearbook. It basically claims that an individual Witness claims that the German translator of this and other Society publications "weakened" its attacks on the German government. However, since the Declaration's English translation in the 1934 Yearbook says what it does, this seems unlikely or at least irrelevant. The English version has the compromising, anti-Semitic statements recorded above. On top of that, the 1934 Yearbook has Rutherford's signature at the end of its text as the author. It was an official Watchtower recording of the Declaration's contents. After the August 22, 1995 Awake! issue came out, Penton wrote an open letter to Watchtower president Milton Henschel along with photo documentation of the German and English documents (Declaration of Facts, etc.) as well as a copy of the Christian Quest where he presented this material. In the letter he stated:
Jehovah's Witnesses in MexicoIn the 1983 book, Crisis of Conscience, former Governing Body member of Jehovah's Witnesses, Raymond Franz, wrote about the "double standard" and "subterfuge" in Mexico by the Watchtower Society. In 1943 the Society decided to reorganize as a cultural or civil organization and not as a religion. They did this to protect their real estate holdings in Mexico as the government decided to make all property currently held by religious organizations state property. As a result of their decision to be a cultural and not a religious organization, Witnesses could no longer pray out loud in their meetings or sing worship songs. But they could keep their property which apparently was more important to Society leaders who didn't have to submit to their decree. This was a double standard Ray stated as the Society officially stated Christians shouldn't compromise their worship by complying with a man-made decree. The case of Daniel refusing to follow the King's decree and continuing to pray publicly is an example the Society frequently cites. (In addition to this, Franz discussed the fact that Witnesses also regularly bribed military officials in Mexico to obtain military certificates stating they had completed their mandatory military service when they hadn't. This was done so they could maintain their "neutrality"!) The Society reorganized again in the 1980s, this time as a religious institution. When this change occurred, The Watchtower announced it in the following manner:
Nothing was stated as to why Jehovah's Witnesses were previously prohibited from even saying a prayer during their meetings or why Bibles were banned. Based on the reaction of the Witnesses in Mexico as reported here, this would leave Witnesses in other countries with the impression that it must have been the government of Mexico "persecuting" Witnesses. The real "persecutors" in all this banning of prayers, etc. was the Watchtower Society! I haven't found any official statement prior to this article that tells of this situation in Mexico or the reasons for it. It appears that Ray Franz' disclosure made the change by the Society inevitable. (His Crisis book was also published in a Spanish edition.) However, in the 1995 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses a discussion of this situation in Mexico was given for the first time. Is speaking of the change in legal status of Jehovah's Witnesses in Mexico in 1943 the Yearbook stated:
The Watchtower Society in Mexico after 1943 was officially and legally not "God's organization" that promoted the worship of Jehovah God, but was simply a "cultural" or "civil" organization. Thus it was the Society itself that banned the reading of the Bible in their door-to-door work and banned prayers and singing in their non-religious meetings! That this decree of the Watchtower meant that Witnesses in Mexico had to seriously compromise their worship of God (if they were to remain Jehovah's Witnesses) is admitted in the following amazing statements:
Why was this compromise of their worship of Jehovah and what Ray Franz called "a subterfuge" undertaken? The Society says it was "necessary" for them to adopt such a policy:
The fact is, this whole situation was not "necessary" but voluntary on the part of the Watchtower Society. They could have remained a religion and kepted on worshipping God and praying at their government owned Kingdom Halls. The only things they would have to give up would have been their property and perhaps they would have had to curtail some or all of their door-to-door work and assemblies. The Society headquarters instead instituted a policy of avoiding "every appearance of a religious meeting" at their "Cultural Halls." It was the Society headquarters who stopped the praying, the singing, and the avoidance of the use of the Bible. And, of course, the evidence indicates that the average Jehovah's Witness in Mexico simply complied with "Mother's" wishes. I haven't heard of any that complained, or who, like Daniel, went right on praying and singing songs to God, i.e., kept on worshiping God despite what government, or in this case, Watchtower Society "kings" decreed. If they did, they apparently could have been disfellowshipped! Compare this "necessary" step with their following typical comments on Daniel's refusal to obey a King's decree banning prayer to Jehovah:
Unless, apparently, the "dictator" banning such Christian activities as praying and singing worship songs at Jehovah's Witnesses' meetings is the Watchtower Society. Also, the Watchtower's comment that their new arrangement in Mexico in 1943 didn't "prevent a person from saying an earnest prayer silently in his heart" is a hollow consolation for worshipers of God. The same could be said of another non-religious "cultural" or "secular" organization: the American Public Education system. It also contradicts their published statements on what Christians, like Daniel, should do in these situations:
Mexican Government Pressures the WatchtowerApparently after Ray's book was published in Spanish in the 1980s and this whole "subterfuge" of the Watchtower to maintain their property holdings in Mexico came to the attention of government officials, the government investigated the matter. After investigating the "cultural" organization's activities, they determined the Watchtower Society was a religion masquerading as a cultural organization and that they had thus been deceived (Watchtower "theocratic war strategy"). They apparently didn't think very highly of all this and meetings with Society leaders on the question ensued. Here is the Society's sanitized version found in the 1995 Yearbook:
Thus it was the government of Mexico that pressured Witnesses to stop living a lie before their god and fellow man and act like regular religious folks. Prayer, songs and an open use of the Bible soon followed the April Fools Day change after their meetings with government officials about their "underground" activities. It was the Watchtower who stopped the praying and it was the government of Mexico who played a major role apparently in bringing the worship and praying back to the average Witness. Who are they serving anyway if they are willing to stop praying and worshiping God openly in their meetings simply to retain minor real estate holdings? ConclusionDoes the evidence warrant the Watchtower's contention that all professing Christians are guilty of spiritual fornication and adultery and Jehovah's Witnesses have been the only true and virtuous followers of King Jesus? Or have the leaders of Jehovah's Witnesses time and again been willing to compromise their worship, even with the most notorious despots such as Hitler for such "worldly" concerns as Watchtower real estate holdings? Jehovah's Witnesses may be offended by this exposure of Watchtower hypocrisy. As Jesus said, if you judge someone else for something you yourself are guilty of, you can expect the same condemnation or judgment back from those you are condemning, and it will be well deserved:
Notes1 Commentary on the Letter of James (New York: Watchtower Bible and Tract Society), 1979, pp. 148-149. 2 Ibid., pp. 149-150. 3 The Watchtower, August 1, 1983, p. 12. 4 J. F. Rutherford, Enemies, 1937, p. 329. 5 The Watchtower, April 15, 1940, p. 127. 6 The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah -- How?, 1971, p. 117, §12, p. 121, §18. 7 The Watchtower, October 1, 1985, p. 15, §7. See further, God's Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached, 1973, pp. 314-315. 8 The Watchtower, October 1, 1985, p. 11, §14. 9 Let Your Kingdom Come, 1981, pp. 165, 167. 10 Ibid., p. 169. 11 The Watchtower, August 1, 1967, pp. 454-455. 12 The Watchtower, September 15, 1971, p. 560. 13 The Watchtower, October 1, 1983, p. 16, §9. 14 The Watch Tower, February 15, 1919, p. 51. 15 The Watchtower, July 15, 1950, p. 216. 16 1986 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, p. 112. 17 The Watchtower, June 1, 1987, p. 15. 18 The Watch Tower, June 1, 1919, p. 174. 19 The Encyclopedia Americana International Edition, 1995, vol. 17, p. 305. Quoted in Witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses by Jay Hess. 20 Alexander D. Noyes, The War Period of American Finance 1908-1925, 1926, p. 183. Quoted by Hess. 21 The Watch Tower, May 15, 1918, p. 152. 22 The Watch Tower, June 1, 1918, p. 168. 23 The Watchtower, October 1, 1984, p. 22. 24 The Watchtower, April 1, 1997, p. 14, §4. 25 Ibid., p. 6. 26 The Golden Age, February 18, 1920, p. 334. 27 Awake!, March 22, 1984, p. 6. 28 Awake!, August 22, 1995, p. 3. 29 Ibid., pp. 6-8. 30 Ibid., p. 14 31 James Penton, "A Story of Attempted Comprimise: Jehovah's Witnesses, Anti-semitism and the Third Reich," The Christian Quest, vol. 3, no. 1, Spring, 1990, p. 37. 32 "Kanrad Franke's Testimony," The Christian Quest, Spring, 1990, p. 50. 33 1934 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, p. 134. 34 Ibid., p. 135. 35 Ibid., pp. 136, 138. 36 Letter from M. James Penton to Milton G. Henschel, August 11, 1995. 37 The Watchtower, January 1, 1990, p. 7. 38 1995 Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses, p. 212. 39 Ibid., pp. 212-213 40 Ibid., p. 232. 41 The Watchtower, October 15, 1979, p. 20, §8. 42 The Watchtower, August 15, 1970, p. 493, §16. 43 Ibid., pp. 232-233.
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